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    What is mathematics


    المساهمات : 3
    تاريخ التسجيل : 24/04/2010

    What is mathematics Empty What is mathematics

    مُساهمة  girl السبت أبريل 24, 2010 2:15 am

    What is mathematics cheers

    Mathematics is considered by some abstract rule, which in the eyes of some of dry matter, and why they consider that they are not related to life and its practical applications, and in fact the contrary. The

    Repeated scenes of life are closely linked to mathematics, but can not imagine anything in life has nothing to do math in it, Vqlmk you write it, and your table that you write it,

    The clothes she is wearing, and your car that moves them, all this is closely linked to mathematics, not in a nutshell, we need to talk extensively about mathematics and its role in

    Our daily lives, but we want to introduce you my brother, a student that the article is important, so you should consider it carefully, and absorb a good vocabulary comprehension, and is not

    Your turn auto-save, reading, Flash.
    We advise you to follow the following things to be able to understand what you learn in general:

    1. Good preparation for the lesson before going to school, and by reading the subject of a preliminary reading of new lesson, standing at the points of view that the difficulty, and the development

    Pencil line underneath in order to pay heed to the teacher how to explain it, or ask them if the teacher did not explain it enough for you to understand.

    2. Full attention while the teacher explained the lesson, and always remember that mathematics series of interrelated elements if it has one of the interrelationship between parts of the series, cumulative all-new

    Which depends on him, and you have to be a positive participant in the debate and dialogue during class.

    3. Memorization of the lesson after coming back from school in the same day.

    Q / How is this done?

    C / through the following steps:

    A) Read the lesson a quick reading of the textbook or from WordPad who write the lecture.

    B) go back again and Zakir rules and theories, and the solution steps on the issue.

    C) reflect on the example of a solution dissolved in school books, grade book, and then close WordPad or book, and to resolve the issue once again, and then compare your solution solution model is located

    Baldfter or book.

    D) If your solution has some minor mistakes re-new solution to consolidate the solution method and the steps in your mind with the necessity of understanding of every step you make, and not to resort to


    E) Solve Exercises book your lessons that are associated with the subject of another lesson, and tried to devise other ways to resolve the issue has come to a shortcut or easier than those

    Way in the book.

    *. Solve some of the questions in previous exams.

    *. Solve some of the issues contained in other references on the topic of your lesson.

    *. Not imagine that the final exam questions will be beyond what was in the textbook. (This is an important thing, because I memorized the Shuf youth issues WordPad !!!!!!!!!)

    *. You may experience some of the questions in the final exam are different from familiarity, but after more careful thought you will notice that they contain the same ideas that the book, change in shape

    Not only in content.

    *. From an early day to ensure not too much and remember that one hour after dawn, the best of hours spent by students in late at night. (And hey will d. Shukri Ibrahim, God reminds him well)

    *. Take adequate rest periods between the memorization of the subject and another, and as far as possible away from thinking of other things outside the scope of the subject of consultation, such as who think Bgdh today and did not


    *. Try as much as possible away from the places in which he spoke loud.

    * Do not press yourself and wind yourself Shui each ICND. Because it causes you to study the large number of psychological state, leading to forget ideas!!

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو السبت سبتمبر 21, 2024 9:27 am