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    مصطلحات ورموز الرياضيات


    المساهمات : 11
    تاريخ التسجيل : 26/04/2010

    مصطلحات ورموز الرياضيات Empty مصطلحات ورموز الرياضيات

    مُساهمة  No.promies الأربعاء مايو 05, 2010 2:50 am


    absolute value
    The distance of a number from zero; the positive value of a number.

    acute angle
    A positive angle measuring less than 90 degrees.

    acute triangle
    A triangle each of whose angles measures less than 90 degrees.

    In the example... 3 + 4 = 7 The 3 and the 4 are called addends.

    additive identity
    The number zero is called the additive identity because the sum of zero and any number is that number.

    additive inverse
    The additive inverse of any number x is the number that gives zero when added to x. The additive inverse of 5 is -5.

    adjacent angles
    Two angles that share both a side and a vertex.

    The word "algebra" is a distortion of the Arabic title of a treatise by al-Khwārizmī about algebraic methods.

    An algorithm is a specific set of instructions for carrying out a procedure or solving a problem.

    The union of two rays with a common endpoint, called the vertex.

    A portion of the circumference of a circle.

    The number of square units that covers a shape or figure.

    Arithmetic is the branch of mathematics dealing with numerical computation.

    associative property of addition
    (a + b) + c = a + (b + c)

    associative property of multiplication
    (a x b) x c = a x (b x c)

    A number that represents the characteristics of a data set.

    An axiom is a rule in math that is always true. In fact, it is SO obviously true that you don't have to prove it's true.

    An axis is a line with respect to which a curve or figure is drawn, measured, rotated, etc. The most common axes are Cartesian axes.

    axis of symmetry
    A line that passes through a figure in such a way that the part of the figure on one side of the line is a mirror reflection of the part on the other side of the line.

    المساهمات : 11
    تاريخ التسجيل : 26/04/2010

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    مُساهمة  No.promies الأربعاء مايو 05, 2010 2:51 am


    The bottom of a plane figure or three-dimensional figure.

    To divide into two congruent parts.

    A bisector is the line that cuts something (like an angle) in half.

    The base 2 method of counting in which only the digits 0 and 1 are used.

    Box and whisker plot
    A type of data plot that displays the quartiles and range of a data set

    المساهمات : 11
    تاريخ التسجيل : 26/04/2010

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    مُساهمة  No.promies الأربعاء مايو 05, 2010 2:53 am


    Cartesian coordinates
    A system in which points on a plane are identified by an ordered pair of numbers, representing the distances to two or three perpendicular axes.

    central angle
    An angle that has its vertex at the center of a circle.

    A line segment that connects two points on a curve.

    The set of points in a plane that are a fixed distance from a given point, called the center.

    The distance around a circle.

    Clockwise is when sb/sth is moving in the same direction as the arms on a clock.

    A constant that multiplies a variable.

    Points are collinear if they lie on the same line.

    A column is a vertical stripe of something. Usually, in math, it's a vertical stripe of numbers.

    A selection in which order is not important.

    Combinatorics is the study of counting.

    common factor
    A factor of two or more numbers.

    common multiple
    A multiple of two or more numbers.

    complex number
    The complex numbers are the field C of numbers of the form x+iy, where x and y are real numbers and i is the imaginary unit equal to the square root of -1, sqrt(-1).

    commutative property of addition
    a + b = b + a.

    commutative property of multiplication
    a*b = b*a.

    complementary angles
    Two angles whose sum is 90 degrees.

    composite number
    A natural number that is not prime.

    A three-dimensional figure with one vertex and a circular base.

    Figures or angles that have the same size and shape.

    Consecutive just means one right after the other.
    Example: A list of consecutive whole numbers: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ...
    Example: A list of consecutive even whole numbers: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, ...
    Example: A list of consecutive odd whole numbers: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, ...

    A value that does not change.

    coordinate plane
    The plane determined by a horizontal number line, called the x-axis, and a vertical number line, called the y-axis, intersecting at a point called the origin. Each point in the coordinate plane can be specified by an ordered pair of numbers.

    Points that lie within the same plane.

    Counter-clockwise is when you are moving in the opposite direction as the arms on a clock.(See clockwise)

    counting numbers
    The natural numbers, or the numbers used to count.

    counting principle
    If a first event has n outcomes and a second event has m outcomes, then the first event followed by the second event has n times m outcomes.

    cross product
    A product found by multiplying the numerator of one fraction by the denominator of another fraction and the denominator of the first fraction by the numerator of the second.

    A solid figure with six square faces.

    A three-dimensional figure having two parallel bases that are congruent circles

    المساهمات : 11
    تاريخ التسجيل : 26/04/2010

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    مُساهمة  No.promies الأربعاء مايو 05, 2010 2:55 am


    Information that is gathered.

    decimal number
    The numbers in the base 10 number system, having one or more places to the right of a decimal point.

    A unit of measure of an angle.

    The bottom part of a fraction.

    dependent events
    Two events in which the outcome of the second is influenced by the outcome of the first.

    The line segment connecting two nonadjacent vertices in a polygon

    The line segment joining two points on a circle and passing through the center of the circle.

    The result of subtracting two numbers.

    The ten symbols, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. The number 215 has three digits: 2, 1, and 5.

    distributive property
    a(b + c) = ab + ac

    In a / b = c, a is the dividend.

    In a / b = c, b is the divisor.

    المساهمات : 11
    تاريخ التسجيل : 26/04/2010

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    مُساهمة  No.promies الأربعاء مايو 05, 2010 2:56 am


    The edges of a polygon are the outside boundaries.

    The set of all points in a plane such that the sum of the distances to two fixed points is a constant.

    empty Set Ø
    An empty set is the same as a "null set." An empty set is a set with no members (or elements.)

    A math statement showing that two things are equal.
    Example: 4 + 3 = 7

    A mathematical statement that says that two expressions have the same value; any number sentence with an =.

    Just means "the same distance".

    equilateral triangle
    A triangle that has three equal sides.

    equivalent equations
    Two equations whose solutions are the same.

    equivalent fractions
    Fractions that reduce to the same number.

    error of measurement
    The difference between an approximate measurement and the actual measure taken.

    When you estimate the answer to a problem it means that you give a pretty good guess at what the answer will be.

    To substitute number values into an expression.

    even number
    A natural number that is divisible by 2.

    In probability, a set of outcomes.

    A number that indicates the operation of repeated multiplication

    exterior angles
    When a pair of parallel lines are intersected with a transversal, angles A, B, G and H are the exterior angles that are formed. Exterior angles are on the outside

    المساهمات : 11
    تاريخ التسجيل : 26/04/2010

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    مُساهمة  No.promies الأربعاء مايو 05, 2010 2:57 am


    One of two or more expressions that are multiplied together to get a product.

    The factorial n! is defined for a positive integer n as:
    n! = n(n-1)...2.1.
    5! = = 120

    To break a number into its factors.

    A flat surface of a three-dimensional figure.

    Fibonacci numbers
    The Fibonacci numbers are a sequence (list) of numbers that is built a very special way... It starts with 1, 1... Then, you add 1+1 to get the next number... That gives 1, 1, 2... Then you add 1+2 to get the next number... That gives 1, 1, 2, 3... Then you add 2+3 to get the next number... That gives 1, 1, 2, 3, 5... Then you add 3+5 to get the next number... and so on...

    A equation that states a rule or a fact.

    A number used to name a part of a group or a whole. The number below the bar is the denominator, and the number above the bar is the numerator.

    The number of times a particular item appears in a data set.

    frequency table
    A data listing which also lists the frequencies of the data.

    A function is a relation that uniquely associates members of one set with members of another set.

    المساهمات : 11
    تاريخ التسجيل : 26/04/2010

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    مُساهمة  No.promies الأربعاء مايو 05, 2010 2:58 am


    Geometry is the study of figures in a space of a given number of dimensions and of a given type.

    A type of drawing used to represent data.

    greatest common factor (GCF)
    The largest number that divides two or more numbers evenly.


    A line with zero slope.

    The side opposite the right angle in a right triangle

    المساهمات : 11
    تاريخ التسجيل : 26/04/2010

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    مُساهمة  No.promies الأربعاء مايو 05, 2010 2:59 am


    identity property of addition
    The sum of any number and 0 is that number.

    identity property of multiplication
    The product of 1 and any number is that number.

    improper fraction
    A fraction with a numerator that is greater than the denominator

    independent events
    Two events in which the outcome of the second is not affected by the outcome of the first.

    A mathematical expression which shows that two quantities are not equal.

    A limitless quantity.

    inscribed angle
    An angle placed inside a circle with its vertex on the circle and whose sides contain chords of the circle.

    inscribed polygon
    A polygon placed inside a circle so that each vertex of the polygon touches the circle.

    The set of numbers containing zero, the natural numbers, and all the negatives of the natural numbers.

    The x-intercept of a line or curve is the point where it crosses the x-axis, and the y- intercept of a line or curve is the point where it crosses the y-axis.

    intercepted arc
    The arc of a circle within an inscribed angle.

    A method for estimating values that lie between two known values

    intersecting lines
    Lines that have one and only one point in common.

    Opposite. -5 is the additive inverse of 5, because their sum is zero. 1/3 is the multiplicative inverse of 3, because their product is 1.

    inverse operations
    Two operations that have the opposite effect, such as addition and subtraction.

    irrational number
    A number that cannot be expressed as the ratio of two integers.

    isosceles triangle
    A triangle with at least two equal sides

    المساهمات : 11
    تاريخ التسجيل : 26/04/2010

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    مُساهمة  No.promies الأربعاء مايو 05, 2010 3:02 am


    least common denominator
    The smallest multiple of the denominators of two or more fractions.

    least common multiple
    The smallest nonzero number that is a multiple of two or more numbers.

    like fractions
    Fractions that have the same denominator.

    A straight set of points that extends into infinity in both directions.

    line of symmetry
    Line that divides a geometric figure into two congruent portions

    line segment
    Two points on a line, and all the points between those two points

    linear equation
    A linear equation is in the form:
    ax + b = 0
    where a and b are numbers.

    linear inequality
    A linear inequality is in the form:
    ax + b < 0
    where a and b are numbers.

    A path of points.

    Simply, a logarithm is the inverse of an exponential:
    f(x) = logbx
    The base of this logarithm is b.

    The study of sound reasoning.

    lowest terms
    Simplest form; when the GCF of the numerator and the denominator of a fraction is 1

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